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Barcelona Transport Tickets and Travel Cards

Barcelona Transport Tickets and Travel Cards

Find out about the different types of tickets and transport card available in Barcelona and save money

Your use of Barcelona’s public transport system will depend on how long you’re staying in the city and where you’ve found accommodation. When you have this information, you can check the city’s various types of transport tickets and travel cards:

Single ticket

A one-way public transport journey in Barcelona costs 2.40 (US$ 2.61) and is only valid for a one-way journey without any transfers between the various means of transportation. You can purchase a single ticket in any of the ticket offices and ticket vending machines at the entrance of any of the city’s subway stations or from the bus drivers.


The T-Dia transport ticket is an individual travel card that gives users unlimited access to all of Barcelona’s transport system from when it's first validated to the end of the service (not valid for 24 hours).

Zones 1 day
Zone 1 10.35 (US$ 11.29)
Zone 2 16 (US$ 17.46)
Zone 3 20.10 (US$ 21.93)
Zone 4 22.45 (US$ 24.50)
Zone 5 25.15 (US$ 27.44)
Zone 6 28.15 (US$ 30.72)

T - Casual

The T - Casual travel card is a 10-journey ticket and allows transfers, but only in a limited time frame. You can use up to four different types of means of transport and three changes. 

Zones Price
Zone 1 11.35 (US$ 12.38)
Zone 2 22.40 (US$ 24.44)
Zone 3 30.50 (US$ 33.28)
Zone 4 39.20 (US$ 42.78)
Zone 5 45.05 (US$ 49.16)
Zone 6 47.90 (US$ 52.27)

T-familiar card

The T-familiar card is the best option if you want to buy a pass to share with several people. It includes 8 journeys with transfers that can be used for 30 days. However, it's important to note that it does not include the journey from the airport to the center of Barcelona.

Zones Price
Zone 1 10 (US$ 10.91)
Zone 2 19 (US$ 20.73)
Zone 3 27 (US$ 29.46)
Zone 4 35 (US$ 38.19)
Zone 5 40 (US$ 43.65)
Zone 6 42 (US$ 45.83)

Travel Card Hola BCN!

The travel card Hola BCN! is the perfect travel pass for travelers that are visiting Barcelona for 2, 3, 4, or 5 days. It includes unlimited access to the city’s public transport and includes metro journeys between the Airport and the city center. Read more about this travel card in the following article:

Barcelona Card

The Barcelona Card is a tourist pass that encompasses unlimited journeys on the city’s public transport and also includes hundreds of discounts and free entrances to various landmarks and museums. For more information, check out the following article:

What transport systems are included?

Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona – TMB’s transport tickets and travel cards can be used on the following transport systems:

Other means of transport in Barcelona like the two cable cars, the Blue Tram and the Hop-on, Hop-off Tour have their own tickets and rates.

Where to purchase TMB’s tickets?

The single tickets can be purchased at any subway station either in the vending machines or the ticket offices. You can also buy a ticket from any bus driver or tourist information center and TMB’s customer support offices.

The T-Día and T-10 tickets are also available in any newspaper to stand thanks to the Servicaixa service.

The Barcelona Card and travel cards Hola BCN! are available at any tourist information center in Barcelona.

Important information

  • Most of Barcelona’s main attractions are situated in zone 1, so unless you're staying in another zone, you won’t have to worry about getting transport tickets for various zones.
  • This article focuses on tickets and travel cards that are most useful for tourists and travelers that are staying in Barcelona for up to a week. If you're planning on visiting Barcelona for longer, we suggest checking out TMB’s official website.